Sunday, February 15, 2009

The heart of...

Happy Valentine's Day...well, a day late! Valentine's day: the most estrogen laden holiday of the year. Hearts. Chocolates. Flowers. Jewelry. Cards professing undying love. Um, I do not know how many of you out there get these things each year on the big V-day, but I do not. Not because my husband does not love me. He shows me how much he loves me each and every day. By bringing me a coffee right when I need one. Bringing home a calorie loaded breakfast of Dunkin Donuts. (Yum!) Indulging me. Putting up with my swinging moods and spoiled tendencies and restless nature. Plus, he covered himself for quite a few Valentine's Days when he proposed to me years ago on...big shocker here...February 14!

My memories of Valentine's Days past are good ones. I remember the excitement of picking out cards to hand out at school, and all of the goodies we got to indulge in during classroom parties. And that is still the best part of Valentine's Day--having an excuse to bake all of those fattening cakes and cupcakes and assorted desserts. Oh, and the chocolate! It was always just a day that meant fun. My mom always made sure my brother and I had something at our places at the kitchen table, and she would often make sausage, egg and cheese muffins for breakfast, with the eggs cut out in the shape of hearts. Cutesy, I know, but it was always a great way to start the day. It lead right into the fun at school.

Now it is my turn to give my kids that same excitement every February 14. Coulby had his first school Valentine's Day party last Friday, and I made sure I was there to experience his excitement. The kids all decorated paper lunch bags with self-adhesive foam hearts, heart cut-outs, and crayons. Then they each got to put their Valentine's in each other's bags. You could just feel the childhood excitement of it all emanating off of them. Coulby has carried his bag around the house with him, examining each card over and over again, as if each is a prize he cannot believe he won.

So when I think of Valentine's Day, I admit to thinking about all of the frou-frou gifts we women so love receiving, but I also think of love--the love I have for my husband, and the two loves of my life, my children. They are my true Valentine's!

In honor of February, specifically Valentine's Day, Mindy and I have tackled a photo assignment: The heart of... Above are my interpretations of the assignment. Look for future photo assignments! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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